Education Reimagined

Learn by Doing; Innovate through Empathy.

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” – John Dewey

Orion STEM students thrive on hands-on learning.  Through explorations and engagement, students build knowledge under the guidance of expert teachers.

With a focus on design thinking and project-based learning, our educators facilitate real-world investigations fostering discovery and essential skills for success. Student learning is driven by four essential elements:

Inquire, Empathize, Reflect & Impact

Empathy is more than compassion; it’s a profound understanding of other’s perspectives and feelings.

At Orion STEM, students learn to empathize by engaging with real-world problems, considering the needs, desires, and experiences of those they affect. Whether working on a design project or exploring social issues, empathy helps students see beyond themselves, fostering a more inclusive and human-centered approach.

Teachers facilitate activities that help students step into others’ shoes, connecting with diverse experiences and cultures. This deep connection builds not only social awareness but also enhances creativity and innovation.
Reflection is an integral part of the learning process at Orion STEM. It goes beyond mere retrospection, encouraging students to analyze their experiences, thoughts, and actions critically.

Through reflection, learners identify what they have learned, what they found challenging, and how they might approach similar situations differently in the future.

Teachers create opportunities for individual and collective reflection, encouraging students to make connections between their learning experiences and broader concepts. By fostering a culture of reflection, Orion STEM ensures that learning becomes a continuous loop of growth and self-awareness.
Impact embodies the ultimate goal of education at Orion STEM: making a meaningful difference. Students are not only learners but changemakers, actively applying their knowledge, skills, and insights to real-world challenges.

Impact is about moving from theory to practice, taking what has been inquired, empathized with, and reflected upon, and translating it into tangible change.

Teachers support students in projects that have real consequences, empowering them to see the potential of their ideas and efforts. By focusing on impact, Orion STEM instills a sense of responsibility and purpose, preparing students to be proactive contributors to society.
Inquiry is the foundation of the learning process at Orion STEM. Students are encouraged to ask questions, probe concepts, and investigate problems deeply.

The inquiry process fosters a sense of curiosity and wonder, driving learners to seek answers and understand the world around them. It’s not merely about finding answers but learning how to ask the right questions.

Teachers guide this process, ensuring that students’ inquiries are channeled into meaningful exploration and discovery. By emphasizing inquiry, Orion STEM nurtures critical thinking, research skills, and intellectual engagement.
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Our Structure

Early Elementary (K-2)

We nurture young minds through a journey of discovery and experimentation. Our Learning Principles and hands-on experiences spark a lifelong love for learning, integrating academic fundamentals with STEM-focused explorations.

We celebrate curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering students to take intellectual risks. Every child’s uniqueness is honored with personalized learning, fostering a community where each student feels seen, valued, and inspired to dream big.

Upper Elementary (3-5)

We build on the foundation laid in the earlier grades by providing dynamic classrooms alive with hands-on learning and real-world applications. Through ‘Learning by Doing,’ we develop problem-solving skills, integrating subjects like design thinking, digital literacy, and various sciences.

We emphasize individualized education and foster a sense of belonging, shaping leaders and innovators for the future. Orion is not just a school; it’s a community where creativity and ambition are nurtured.

Early Elementary (K-2)

We nurture young minds through a journey of discovery and experimentation. Our Learning Principles and hands-on experiences spark a lifelong love for learning, integrating academic fundamentals with STEM-focused explorations.

We celebrate curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering students to take intellectual risks. Every child’s uniqueness is honored with personalized learning, fostering a community where each student feels seen, valued, and inspired to dream big.

Orion STEM Schools inspires students to inquire, empathize, reflect, and choose to compassionately impact the world throughout their lives.